Genetic Testing

7.000 lei

TruSight One Sequencing Panel

The TruSight One sequencing panel provides comprehensive coverage of over 4,800 disease-related genes that are associated with the most common conditions. We mention some of them:

  • Predisposition to diabetes
  • Predisposition to hypertension
  • High risk of diabetes
  • Cancer risk
  • leukemia, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer or prostate cancer, etc.
  • Genetic risk of inflammatory bowel disease
  • Susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease
  • Susceptibility to Parkinson's disease
  • Iron absorption / Hemochromatosis
  • Hypertension
  • The Leiden mutation
  • Sensitivity to milk sugar (lactose)


As a general rule, the clinical exome test only needs to be done once in a lifetime, and when we do it is an individual choice. If there are known diseases in the family, it is recommended that young children also get the appropriate test so that we can really focus on prevention! Do not forget that, in most cases, it is not the disease itself that is detected, but the predisposition to it! Therefore, it is not at all certain that a predisposition to the detected disease means that you will get sick. However, in addition to genetics, lifestyle and environmental influences also have a large influence, so a genetic mutation that predisposes to a heart attack can be fatal if we do not take proper care of ourselves. The appearance of the disease can be hastened by an inappropriate lifestyle: smoking, stress, consumption of inappropriate food, etc., but with the right attitude we can reduce the chances of the appearance of the disease or mitigate its effects.

Interpretation of genetic tests is always the responsibility of a medical specialist. In the laboratory, the genetic results obtained will be interpreted, but any treatment, remedy or other recommendation is the sole responsibility of a specialist. Only a geneticist or your doctor is authorized to do this!

At the Pro Medical clinic we can offer you a genetic consultation if necessary!

Our specialist in medical genetics is Prof. Dr. Vulturar Romana.

For more information, please contact us at

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