Our mission is to improve the health of our customers.

We are one of the first private clinics in Cluj-Napoca. We place special emphasis on medicine, and we continuously invest in the modernization of our services, including in research and development activities.

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Analysis results

Here you can access the results of the laboratory analyses.


About Us

Pro Medical Center - servicii medicale de calitate în Cluj-Napoca încă din 1999
Since 1999, the team of the clinic has been working tirelessly to make private and state-supported health services available to as many people as possible, and to contribute to improving the quality of life of our patients through the quality and accessibility of clinical services. Honest and all-pervading people-centeredness is the creed of our clinic, the only thing that matters to us is the patient, and we strive to provide the best treatment and care at every step.

Scopul nostru a fost dintotdeauna acela de a oferi pacienților clinicii noastre servicii complexe de diagnostic de talie mondială. Din 2021, ne-am extins clinica cu servicii de specialitate și cu un departament complet de radiologie, în noua clădire a clinicii de pe strada Cometei. Pe lângă competența și expertiza remarcabilă a colegilor noștri radiologi, punem la dispoziția pacienților posibilitatea efectuării investigațiilor de Osteodensitometrie DEXA, RMN, CT, RX, ecografie, în sistem privat, prin aparate performante, timp scurt de așteptare, investigare precisă și rezultate concludente.

Special services

We offer our clients unique services that are only available at very few clinics in the country.

You can log in with the code received from the reception to view the validated results.

Research team

We continuously invest in research and development activities, with outstanding results at the international level as well.


We are proud to collaborate with important suppliers in the field of medicine in Romania.