Dr. Lészai Lehel

Specialist in obstetrica si ginecologie

Dr Lészai Lehel – Specialist in obstetrica si ginecologie

  • 01.01.2022 –  Specialist FIV, expert medical – Gynia Embrio, Cluj, România
  • 01.01.2022 – Specialist Obstetrica Ginecologie – Histerosalpingografie (HSG) – Centrul Pro Medical Centru de Imagistică și Diagnosticare – Cluj, România
  • 01.01.2021- Specialist Obstetrica Ginecologie – Gynia, Spitalul de Obstetrica si Ginecologie – Cluj, Romania
  • 01.01.2016 – 31.12.2021- Medic Rezident Obstetrică Ginecologie – Spitalul Județean de Urgență Marosvásárhely / Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Târgu Mureș Marosvásárhely, România, Modul Oncologie – Centrul de Oncologie „Profesor Dr. Ion Chiricută”, Cluj Modul Endocrinologie – Clinica de Endocrinologie, Cluj
  • 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2021 Medic de urgenta – Inter-Ambulance Zrt. Tiszaföldvár, Kunszentmárton, Martfű, Ungaria
  • 2021 -Instruire pentru fertilizare in vitro și reproducere umană asistată
  • 2021- Competență în laparoscopie ginecologică
  • 2021- Competență ecografie (obstetrică și ginecologie)
  • 2010 – 2016 – Medic generalist – Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Marosvásárhely, Marosvásárhely, România
  • 2016 -Universitatea din Debrecen, Facultatea de Medicină Generală


2018. The prognostic role of thrombophilia in the treatment of infertility

ISSN 1453-0953
Thrombophilia refers to a coagulation disorder that prone to thrombosis and thus increases the risk of thrombotic events. Both inherited and acquired thrombophilia are associated with vascular thrombosis and pregnancy complications, including infertility, recurrent miscarriage, and premature birth. Recently, thrombophilia has been increasingly encountered as an infertility factor, which gives the clinical relevance of the disease.

The aim of the study was to investigate the prognostic role of thrombophilia in the treatment of infertility and the pregnancy of women with thrombophilia during assisted reproduction procedures.

2018. The therapeutic effect of cervical cerclage in pregnancy with cervical incompetence

ISSN 1453-0953
The shortening of the cervix, cervical incompetence or insufficiency that causes late miscarriage or preterm birth gives importance and clinical significance for the cervical cerclage or cervical stitch as treatment. Nowadays closure of the cervix with cerclage surgery is a good way of preventing premature opening of the cervix, helping the pregnancy near due date, thus significantly reducing the risk of miscarriage and premature delivery.

The study is based on an examination of 164 pregnant woman who has undergone cervical cercalge surgery at Marosvásárhely Nr.I Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, between 2000-2017. The McDonald’s method was used in every case that we have studied.

Cerclage surgery was performed in most cases in the second trimester, because this is the timeframe when the fetus presents a great burden for the uterus, and the chances of opening the weakened uterus prematurely are the highest. The results in the study reflect that in the majority of cases, intervention is effective in preventing premature opening of the cervix, thus helping the pregnancy till due date, thus preventing second trimester miscarriage while effectively reducing the risk of premature delivery.

Dr. Lészai Lehel


Toate Cardiologie Cercetare Chimist Chirurgie Dermatologie Ecografie Endocrinologie Gastroenterologie Genetică Îngrijiri medicale de specialitate Interne Laborator Medicina muncii Nefrologie Neurochirurgie Obstetrică-ginecologie ORL Ortopedie Pediatrie Psihiatrie Psihologie Radiologie Reumatologie Urologie