Dr. Terza Lívia-Maria

primary care pediatrician, competence in general ultrasound, competence in cardiac ultrasound

Dr. Terza Lívia-Maria

„I am personally guided by the words of David McKay, who puts it this way: we must recognize that the privilege of work is a gift, the power to work is a blessing, and the love of work is success.” Dr. Lívia Terza

One of the main principles of Dr. Lívia-Mária Terza, pediatric primary care physician, ultrasound specialist, doctor of medicine, is that it is better to prevent disease and to treat any disease in time than to cure it.

Dr. Terza worked at the children’s ward of Kézdivásárhely Hospital for twenty-eight years as chief physician between 1987-2007. Since 1997, he started alone. In 1997 he founded the Pro-Vitam health centers in Sepsiszentgzörgz, then in 1999 the Promedical Center in Cluj.

In 2001, he founded the Provitam Foundation for research purposes. They employ many young people who have returned home after studying abroad.

In 2018, he was awarded the Media Award for Excellence in Cluj.


1977–1981 trainee doctor
County Hospital, Sf Gheorghe (Romania)

1982–1985 secondary physician
IMF, Cluj Napoca (Romania)

1986–1987 pediatric specialist
Municipal Hospital, Tg Secuiesc (Romania)

1987–2007 chief physician of the Pediatrics department
Tg Secuiesc Municipal Hospital, Tg Secuiesc (Romania)

1997–2004 primary pediatrician
Individual cabinet Terza Livia, Sfantu Gheorghe (Romania)

1999–Present primary care physician, head of pediatric department
Promedical Center SRL, Cluj Napoca (Romania)

2004–Present primary care physician, head of pediatric department
Pro-Vitam SRL, Sfantu Gheorghe (Romania)


1972–1978 pediatric specialist
IMF Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

1978–1981 trainee doctor
St. Gheorghe County Hospital, Sfantu Gheorghe (Romania)

1982–1985 secondary doctor at IMF Cluj Napoca
IMF, Cluj Napoca (Romania)

1985 Confirmation as a pediatric specialist
IMF, Cluj Napoca (Romania)

1991 Pediatric primary doctor exam
IMF, Targu Mures (Romania)

1992 Passing the examination of the head doctor of the pediatric department
IMF, Bucharest (Romania)

1996 competency exam, specialization – General ultrasound
IMF, Cluj Napoca (Romania)

1998 Defense of the doctoral thesis, obtaining the title of doctor of medical sciences, pediatric specialty
IMF, Tg Mureș (Romania)

1998–2017 Continuing Medical Education – annual specialization courses

2017 EFSUMB EcoCont accredited Workshop Expert level: Exploration
contrast harmonic ultrasonography. Applications in liver pathology
Medical Clinic III, IRGH Cluj, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2021 Certificate of complementary studies in general echocardiography’, Ministry of Health

Dr. Terza Lívia-Mária

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